Protecting children in Africa from (sexual) violence during the pandemic

11.3.2021, online

Forward Thinkers: Webinar Series 2021

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2021, we will discuss the surge of physical and sexual violence against women, girls and their children. Children’s exposure to increased protection risks has been heightened by the global COVID-19 pandemic in Africa and worldwide.

We will highlight proven solutions for child protection measures in the African context and discuss the potential of the One Stop Centre model, in helping address violence against girls, boys and young women. Most of the mitigating measures adopted by many countries to address the pandemic have resulted in disruptions to the everyday routines, environment and safety of children. The One Stop Centre model as an intervention tool has been proven to be among the most effective response measures in the area of child protection. In 2015 the renowned Future Policy Award awarded Zanzibar’s Children’s Act with its comprehensive child protection system.

Moderator: Ramana Shareef – WFC Consultant, Media and Communication for Development Specialist

Here you can find more information on the webinar and the webinar series. Admission is free.

Veranstalter: World Future Council

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