UNLEASH HACKS Mental Health Europe

9.4.2022, online

Call for Applications - Deadline: 27.3.2022

UNLEASH HACKS Mental Health Europe happens online between 9th and 16th of April, and is one out of 24 hackathons organized by UNLEASH Ambassadors in 2022.

UNLEASH HACKS Mental Health Europe is a hackathon to find impactful solutions for nine million Europeans aged 10-19 that are living with mental health disorders. Anxiety and depression make half of the cases. In the age of 15-19 this affects 16-19% of EU citizens. Mental health disorders are still highly stigmatized. The hack also focus on the mental burden arising from climate change, Covid-19 pandemic, and Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

A report from UNICEF states that there are 5 key priority interventions for European institutions and national governments that could reduce the problems with anxiety and other mental health disorders among European youth.

UNLEASH HACKS Mental Health Europe strives to address these interventions by providing talent around the world with an opportunity to develop innovative solutions that also take the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 11 into account.


Veranstalter: UNLEASH Ambassadors

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