Future Economy Forum + SEKEM Regenerative Leadershop Retreat

2.11. - 17.11.2022, Sekem, Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh

Under the auspices of The Ministry of Environment of Egypt, host of COP 27

Join us to scale solutions for climate changeand a new economic mainstream thatintegrates business success and economicdevelopment with the regeneration ofpeople, societies and nature.
The UN’s Paris Climate Treaty became a forcein part because policy makers partnered withfuture-oriented economy leaders. Also thisyear, COP needs a bold and inspiringeconomy presence to advance concretesolutions.
Therefore, we convene senior leaders frombusiness, agriculture, finance and investmentto collaborate with experts and policymakers to meet our urgent challenges andopportunities.


Nov. 2 - 4 at Sekem, Egypt:
Regenerative Leadership Retreat
  • At Sekem, one of the world’s most inspiringsustainable development communities thatexcels in activities ranging from regenerativeagriculture and international business to education and human development.
Nov. 4 - 6 in Cairo:
Future Economy Solutions Summits
  • Future of Business & Economy
  • Future of Agriculture
  • Real ESG Investment and Finance
  • Future of Leadership and Education
  • Policy, Law and Technology
At Sekem’s Heliopolis University of Sustainable Development & the Cairo Stock Exchange, with dinners under the stars at the pyramids and in Cairo’s ancient citadel.
Nov. 8 - 17 at COP:
Solutions Dialogues in Sharm el-Sheikh
  • In addition to co-leading blue and green zoneevents, The Future Economy Forum and Sekemwill host evening presentations & dialogues toadvance solutions. Our guests will enjoy Arabianmusic and organic cuisine in the large garden of an ocean villa.
Ongoing Action Initiatives beyond Egypt:
  • This Event Series will advance the long-termAction Initiatives, which are at the core of theFuture Economy Forum's & Sekem’s ongoingwork. 


Veranstalter: Future Economy Forum + SEKEM

Cover des aktuellen Hefts

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  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • Kärnten Standortmarketing
  • Futouris - Tourismus. Gemeinsam. Zukunftsfähig
  • B.A.U.M. e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
  • DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
  • Protect the Planet. Gesellschaft für ökologischen Aufbruch gGmbH
  • circulee GmbH
  • Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH
  • Engagement Global gGmbH
  • Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
  • World Future Council. Stimme zukünftiger Generationen