Global Solutions Summit
15.5. - 16.5.2023, 10178 BerlinRealigning Societies: Towards a sustainable, inclusive, and common future
The Global Solutions Summit is the world’s premier forum for transforming research into policy for the G7, G20 and beyond. It advances global economic, environmental, and social prosperity by connecting thought leaders and decisionmakers, visionaries and pragmatists from policy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. This year’s theme is "Realigning Societies: Towards a sustainable, inclusive, and common future.”
The world is in crisis. What can we do now? This spring, we will bring together top leaders from policy, academia, civil society, and the private sector – to find a way out of the crisis.
About the Global Solutions Summit: Since 2017, the Global Solutions Summit has provided an intense, two-day forum for the world’s leading minds to propose and debate research-based policy recommendations for the G20, G7 and beyond.
What’s new: This year, we expect to welcome over 100 speakers and 1,000 on-site guests from around the world. The event takes a global view on today’s systemic crises and looks at urgently-needed global solutions.
Preliminary confirmed speakers include:
- Amitabh Amitabh, G20 Sherpa, India
- Oliver Hart, Nobel Laureate, Harvard University
- Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General Health Emergeny Intelligence and Surveillance Systems, WHO
- Agnes Kalibata, President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
- Steffi Lemke, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection
- Robert Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC
- Izabella Teixeira, Co-Chair International Resource Panel, United Nations environment programme
- Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen, Deputy Secretary General, OECD
Please check the Summit website for updates on the program, speakers, and topics.
Veranstalter: Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gGmbHPioniere der Hoffnung
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