gridXdays 2024

12.11. - 13.11.2024, virtual

Solving energy's biggest challenges. Together.

gridXdays 2024 is a virtual and free in-house conference organized by gridX, Europe’s leading smart energy company. Embracing this year’s theme, "Solving energy's biggest challenges. Together.", the 4th edition of gridXdays will focus on the future of the energy industry.
Over 40 experts from the fields of technology, energy and science will discuss current topics, pressing challenges and groundbreaking solutions in the energy sector in 12 panel discussions and one keynote.
This year’s topics range from the current market situation in solar and e-mobility to the monetization of flexibility of small-scale energy assets and more.

Find the event’s full agenda for both conference days, information about the guest speakers and the option to register to receive the latest updates about the event at The entire event will also be streamed live on this page on the two event days. Conference language is English.

Browse the event’s agenda, discover all speakers and block sessions in your calendar here.
Organizer: gridX GmbH

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  • Kärnten Standortmarketing
  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • BAUM e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
  • World Future Council. Stimme zukünftiger Generationen
  • Futouris - Tourismus. Gemeinsam. Zukunftsfähig
  • NOW Partners Foundation
  • Protect the Planet. Gesellschaft für ökologischen Aufbruch gGmbH
  • Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH
  • DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
  • circulee GmbH
  • Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
  • Engagement Global gGmbH