Urban Transport Week 2015
9.3. - 14.3.2015, 21029 Hamburg-HarburgTransport is one of the most pressing global issues of the future!
Transport is one of the most pressing global issues of the future! The world needs determined and creative professionals, able to understand the scope of the problem and to envision applicable strategies beyond purely technical innovations.
Get in touch with the international transport community!
Sustainable Solutions
Latest trends in Science and Practice
International Job Perspectives
- learn from international experts
discuss with fellow students and young professionals
design new strategies and solutions & win a scholarship
make valuable contacts with potential employers or future colleagues
The 3 Modules you can choose from:
Module I Metropolitan Accessibility: 09. - 14.03.2014
Module II Walking and Cycling: 16. - 20.03.2014
Module III Urban Logistics: 23. - 27.03.2014
More information in this Flyer.
Register today at Transportweek@eurist.info
Contact for requests: Maximilian Heinrich | heinrich@eurist.info
Pioniere der Hoffnung
forum 01/2025 ist erschienen
- Bodendegradation
- ESG-Ratings
- Nachhaltige Awards
- Next-Gen Materialien
Mission (Im)Possible: Wie Unternehmen das 1,5-Grad-Ziel erreichen
80737 München
Professionelle Klimabilanz, einfach selbst gemacht
Einfache Klimabilanzierung und glaubhafte Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation gemäß GHG-Protocol
Deutsche (Männer) lesen immer wenigerChristoph Quarch wünscht sich eine Kampagne von Buchhandel und Politik, um Leser zurückzugewinnen
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Mit Sonnenstrom zum ESG-Vorreiter