R20 Austrian World Summit

15.5.2018, A-1014 Wien

Leadership for a Sustainable Future

The R20 AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT is a top-level summit about leadership on implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This annual event is organized by Arnold Schwarzenegger´s "R20 Regions of Climate Action" office in Austria. The summit brings together international leaders from politics, businesses, investors, civil society, academics, start-ups, and climate experts as well as representatives of regions and cities from around the world. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger is joined by Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and many international pioneers strengthening leadership for climate action and creating a positive momentum for this year's UN Climate Change Conference: COP 24 in Poland. The R20 AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT serves as a meeting place for "action heroes” committed to sustainability and climate protection projects. It continues and helps deliver the work undertaken at COP 23 in Bonn and the One Planet Summit in Paris last December. Channeling the spirit of the 2018 Talanoa Dialogue, the traditional Fijian process of community driven participatory and transparent conversation, the Summit will share ideas, skills and experiences through storytelling, applied practical knowledge, and cutting edge technology to inspire pioneers working toward a sustainable future. 

The summit shares ideas, skills and experiences - applied practical knowledge and cutting edge technology to inspire pioneers working towards a sustainable future. The objective of the summit is to gain awareness and harness our collective expertise to chart a course for the future that benefits everyone in the global society. A healthy environment affects all aspects of society, therefore our summit is building new bridges between key stakeholders. 


Veranstalter: brainbows informationsmanagement gmbH

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