Was Firmen gegen den Klimawandel machen können
Klimawandel und -flucht im Fokus von forum
Schwerpunkt der nächsten Ausgabe von forum ist Klimawandel und Klimaflucht. Und was wir alle und vor allem auch Firmen gegen den Klimawandel machen können. Als kleiner Mutmacher hier eine Meldung aus dem HUB Zürich:
At the end of 2015 many were
euphoric as the historic and ambitious Paris Climate Agreement was signed by 195 countries. Next to
the commitments made by national governments, civil society was being called
upon to take action. In accordance with our operating principle, 'start with why', we currently have
three programs were we take action. The good news? You can join and
contribute your share!
First, for people without a concrete business idea or just a vague idea, the
5-day facilitated Climate Ideator is perfect. Second, if you are
passionate about cities and like Hackathons, you should join the Oct. 28 Climathon we host together with the City of
Zurich and Climate-KIC (particularly you techies ;)). Finally, if you work in
the financial industry and believe finance can (and should?) contribute more to
combatting climate change, you should drop us a line. We organise an exclusive
invitation-only Climate Finance Factory.
I'd like to close with the spot-on action recommendation of Angel Gurrìa,
Secretery General of the OECD: "We
need implementation, implementation, implementation – although not necessarily
in that order” :-)
Senden Sie uns gerne auch Ihre Aktivitäten. Und im nächsten Heft erfahren Sie mehr zum Stand der Dinge u.a. ein wundervolles Interview mit Hans Joachim Schellnhuber vom Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung.
Umwelt | Klima, 05.10.2016
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