Große Unternehmen haben große Verantwortung im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit
Verantwortung und Chance zugleich
Für eine nachhaltigere Welt müssen große Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit in ihre Firmenstrategien aufnehmen. "Dies ist eine große Verantwortung, aber auch eine große Chance.", so Johan Gerklev, Nachhaltigkeitsmanager bei Skanska Sweden, in der neuesten Ausgabe von "Construction Climate Talks".
Lesen Sie nachfolgend den vollständigen Beitrag im englischsprachigen Original:
Big companies have big sustainability responsibilities
For a more sustainable world, big companies have to put sustainability into their business strategies. "We have a great responsibility, but also a great opportunity. We have to do it from a moral perspective and it is also good for our business,” says Johan Gerklev, Sustainability Manager at Skanska Sweden, in the latest episode of Construction Climate Talks.

"We have come a long way, but we are certainly not at the end of the journey. The whole industry has to do their own journey. We have to put sustainability into our strategies, into our products – into our life,” he says.
He also addresses the importance of getting everyone onboard – the people within the company, the people outside of the company and people living in society in general.
"You have to address what’s important when it comes to the green issues and you have to do it in a way that you are also making business or creating value for the society or the clients”.
Johan Gerklev continues to talk about the big responsibilities that comes with a big company – but also the opportunities.
"On one hand it is an opportunity from a moral perspective and on the other hand it’s also good for the business. And last but not least it’s a necessity. Without sustainability there will be no future, so in the future there has to be sustainability,” he says.
See Johan Gerklev talk about the responsibilities and opportunities regarding sustainability within a big company in the 13th episode of Construction Climate Talks here. The episode is also released on CCC YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The Construction Climate Talks series by the Construction Climate Challenge initiative highlights some of the most important issues in climate sustainability today. See all the previous episodes here.
The Construction Climate Challenge (CCC) is an initiative hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry value chain and provide funding for environmental research. The Construction Climate Challenge is a part of the Volvo CE commitment to WWF’s Climate Savers Programme.
Construction Climate Challenge
Wirtschaft | CSR & Strategie, 22.08.2017

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