TRA 2018: Mobility research in Austria definitely heading in the right direction
Transport Research Conference concludes that more cooperation and experience brings trust in new technologies
Von 16. bis 19. April fand mit der Transport Research Arena in Wien Europas größte Konferenz im Bereich Mobilität, Transport und Verkehr statt. Unter dem Motto „a digital era for transport. solutions for society, economy and environment" trafen internationale ExpertInnen aufeinander, um über Entwicklungen und neueste Forschungsergebnisse im Mobilitätssektor zu diskutieren. Lesen Sie dazu einen Rückblick auf die Veranstaltung.
To conclude, the TRA 2018 was the best ever attended with more than 3,600 participants. In addition to the event motto of "digitalisation”, 12 topics were covered across all modes of transport in more than 650 presentations, as well as in the context of the exhibition and other interactive formats. The bottom line was that there is currently no shortage of ideas, solutions and technologies, but rather that they need to be carefully selected for their optimal use to achieve the best possible benefit for society. For many technologies and developments, economic success is currently the most important factor and the solution to concrete problems comes in second place.
From TRA 2018 to TRA 2020
Kontakt: AustriaTech – Gesellschaft des Bundes für technologiepolitische
Maßnahmen GmbH |
Technik | Mobilität & Transport, 05.06.2018
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