3Q4U - 3 Questions for you
Antworten auf die Krise von Jane Goodall
- What did you learn from the crisis?
It is very clear that the advice of scientists who have predicted these pandemics for years and years has been ignored because the passion for unlimited economic development at the expense of protecting the environment has greatly hindered those of us who have long realized that our disrespect of the environment and animals has brought this pandemic upon ourselves.
- What touched you most?
Hearing stories of the courage of those fighting on the front lines, risking and losing their lives. The communities coming together to help and support those who needed it most. The imagination showed by so many who have posted songs and poetry on the internet. The celebrities who have spent time reading books for children suffering from the lock down.
- What does „no going back”, mean for you?
We hope and pray that when this pandemic is over the world will not return to business as usual. All the thousands of people in the big cities who have never had the luxury of breathing clean air, seeing the stars shine bright in the clear night sky, will not want to go back to a polluted world now that we know how the world could be. And should be. I pray that we shall emerge with greater respect for the ecosystems of the natural world, of which we are part. I hope this lesson has woken us up.
Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 01.06.2020
Dieser Artikel ist in forum 02/2020 - die Corona-Sonderausgabe - Einfach zum Nachdenken... und Handeln erschienen.
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