COP27: Investing in nature assets

The Landbanking Group supports SEKEM by issuing an ecosystem service agreement to WELEDA and EOSTA

The Egyptian Development Initiative SEKEM has been a pioneer in regenerative farming since 1977 serving premium brands across the world. On November 5, 2022, it took its offering to a new level by signing two ecosystem agreements with WELEDA, the Swiss healthcare company, and EOSTA, the Dutch international distributor of fresh organic and fair fruits and vegetables. The agreement was signed on occasion of SEKEM’s Future Economy Leaders Forum. 

Volkert Engelsmann, Eosta and Stefan Siemer, Weleda sign the contract for the purchase of certificates for eco-system services. © SEKEM"This may be a game changer for us, and possibly to the way how we deal with nature” says SEKEM CEO Helmy Abouleish. SEKEM used The Landbanking Group’s novel approach that allows land stewards to be rewarded to restoring land (better soil quality, water and carbon storage capacity, biodiversity). Each track of land will be assessed based on geospatial monitoring data, translated into a natural capital account and then turned into a tradable asset. 

"This project with Sekem is hugely valuable for us”, says Weleda’s Stefan Siemer, "it allows us to demonstrate to our customers and our accountants that our supplies are nature-positive and secure in a volatile market”

"In yesterday's economy, sustainability was a cost. In tomorrow’s economy it’s an asset that can go on the balance sheet”, adds Eosta’s CEO Volkert Engelsmann.

The Landbanking Group takes advantage of a technology revolution in remote sensing data analytics, latest fintech and a shifting perception on nature. "Every business and investor will have to demonstrate nature-positive outcomes in the near future”, says TLG’s Head of Biome Tobias Bandel. "We are building an end-to-end custodian system to enable the future nature markets.” 

Sekem is an Egyptian "development initiative" founded in 1977 by Ibrahim Abouleish. Ibrahim Abouleish and his supporters developed about 70 hectares of desert on the edge of the Nile Delta just 60 kilometers northeast of the center of Cairo using methods of biodynamic agriculture. From sustainable businesses, Organic agriculture, schools, medical care to a university for sustainable development, SEKEM has become a very complex combination of economical, cultural, societal and ecological entities. It aims to develop the individual, society and environment through a holistic approach which integrates ecology, economy, societal and cultural life.

Weleda AG is the world's leading manufacturer of certified organic and natural cosmetics and medicines for anthroposophic therapies. 

Eosta is presently Europe’s most innovative importer, packer and distributor of organically grown fresh produce. Eosta serves major retailers and natural food stores in Europe, the USA, Canada and the Far East. 

Contact:  The Landbanking Group, Fidelis Stuchtey | |

Umwelt | Wasser & Boden, 05.11.2022

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