ISPO & NOW Partners to Host Series of Short Innovation Labs
at OutDoor by ISPO in Munich on June 4-6, 2023
ISPO the world’s largest sports fair, and NOW Partners, a global partnership accelerating economic evolution, are excited to announce a series of opportunity-specific Innovation Labs that help companies in the sports industry to integrate business success with positive impact on communities and the environment.
While companies face historic challenges, ISPO & NOW Partners see unprecedented business opportunities to integrate growth and positive impact. Rather than opposing each other, growing our business and creating positive impact on communities and the environment can become mutually reinforcing. We call this Regenerative Value Creation.
The mini-Innovation Labs offered by ISPO & NOW Partners will take place on June 4th and 5th at OutDoor by ISPO in Munich. These labs provide an opportunity for industry professionals, stakeholders, and thought leaders to come together, exchange ideas, and explore innovative solutions to pressing demands of a changing market and planetary boundaries. The labs will serve as interactive forums where participants engage in the ISPO & NOW Partners innovation process, designed to inspire creative thinking and catalyze actionable strategies with the aim of supporting companies to discover the business potential of Regenerative Value Creation in their context.
Previews to Year-Long Inno Labs by ISPO & NOW
The short labs held at OutDoor by ISPO are previews of year-long, in-depth Inno Labs offered by ISPO & NOW Partners to help select groups of companies explore opportunity areas include: Regenerative Supply Chain, Climate Solutions, Circular Economy, Social Impact, Digital Transformation and more. For details about the full offering visit:
Inno Lab: Navigating the Future Together
The Innovation Lab topics are carefully chosen to address the most critical issues facing our industry today. Experience shows that innovative solutions are most successfully born in community. As a community of leaders representing diverse industries, we can together discover and test multiple solutions to then decide what best fits our company’s needs.
ISPO & NOW Partners foster a collaborative environment that encourages cross-pollination of ideas and the development of sustainable and regenerative business practices. Participants will have the chance to gain insights from renowned experts, industry pioneers, and visionary leaders who are driving change in their respective fields. The sessions aim to support attendees to gain practical insights and develop actionable plans to implement sustainable practices within their organizations.
Innovation Labs at OutDoor by ISPO
Join us at OutDoor by ISPO to be a part of this transformative experience. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with industry leaders, contribute to shaping the future, and be at the forefront of the future of the sports industry.
For more information about the OutDoor by ISPO schedule please visit and search for ‘innovation’ to view the Innovation Labs schedule or contact
About ISPO:
We strive to make sports so big that each and everyone can be a part of it - to accelerate the global evolution of sports.
About NOW Partners:
NOW is a global partnership of 100+ senior business leaders, change experts and their teams united to accelerate the economic evolution of multinationals, large family companies and systems institutions. We empower our client-partners in their transition towards fully integrating economic success with equitable benefit for all stakeholders, including shareholders and Nature. We call this Regenerative Value Creation, which must become the DNA of a healthy economy.
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