ICT4D.at - Open Innovation Idea Contest

REBOOTING HOPE: Digital Solutions for Environmental & Social Recovery

This open innovation contest is looking for feasible project ideas from all over the world on how digital tools can contribute to environmental and social recovery and support regenerative communities.

Yes, we really mean regenerative, and not just 'harming the environment less'. Don't hesitate, get creative!

To give you some inspiration: your ideas could target resource management, education, community engagement, or agriculture.

Submit your visionary ideas and concepts through the open innovation platform IdeaSpace (https://my.ideaspace.cc).

Connect there with a vibrant community of like-minded thinkers! Benefit from questions, engaging discussions, and collaborative brainstorming elevating your idea to the next level!

The best one – selected by the community and an expert jury – will be rewarded.

  • First Prize:
    Prize money € 1,000 PLUS invitation to submit a project proposal for € 5,000 funding by ICT4D.at
  • Second and third prize:
    Invitation to the ICT4D.at Project Forge to further develop your idea with experienced international mentors in Vienna or online 1/2024
Jury criteria
  • Originality / Innovation
  • Environmental and social impact
  • Regenerative potential
  • Feasibility
  • Scalability
  • Local embedding
  • Openness, security, and data protection
About ICT4D.at
ICT4D.at is an NPO located in Vienna, established in 2008. It serves as a project support platform with the goal to provide support to inspire, create and implement projects in the context of ICTs fostering development with knowledge, tools, resources, and networks.

Contact: ICT4D.at - Austrian Network for ICT for Development, Dr. Birgit Kolb | ideacontest@ict4d.at | www.ict4d.at

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  • Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH
  • Protect the Planet. Gesellschaft für ökologischen Aufbruch gGmbH
  • DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • Engagement Global gGmbH
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