EBS Executive School: Top-Weiterbildung in Sustainable Finance & Sustainable Business

Empowering People

The Key to UN's COP Creating Regenerative Futures

As we stand on the precipice of COP28 in Abu Dhabi, it's paramount to recognize the power that lies within the very heart of these international gatherings: the people. Looking back at COP25 in Madrid, where incredible achievements were made, I am reminded of the immense potential that collaboration, hope, and alliances hold. In the face of climate challenges, it's not just about policy changes and governmental decisions; it's about the collective power of individuals, businesses, and organizations coming together to co-create a regenerative future.

© Kiara Worth
The Power of People and Ideas: A Catalyst for Change
In the grand tapestry of COP events, it's the people and their ideas that truly drive change. The very essence of COP lies in the diverse perspectives, innovations, and solutions that individuals bring to the table. It's not just about governmental officials making decisions; it's about entrepreneurs, activists, scientists, and ordinary citizens converging to share insights and spark transformative actions. This collaborative spirit was evident in COP25 when B Corps from around the world had the opportunity to present their Net Zero commitment. The applause that followed signified not just recognition but also encouragement—a testament to the power of collective determination.

Hope and Alliances: Building Bridges for Impact
COP events are not just platforms for discussion; they are arenas of hope and alliances. While governmental negotiations might sometimes feel stagnant, the parallel conversations, collaborations, and partnerships that happen among the attendees hold immense promise. Hope is not passive; it’s a force that drives action. When people from various backgrounds, cultures, and sectors unite with the shared goal of mitigating climate change, there is a tangible sense of momentum. These alliances are the breeding ground for innovative solutions, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of conference halls.

Engaging the Extractive Industries: A Bold Approach to Change
© Kiara WorthOne of the most significant challenges lies in engaging industries that have traditionally been part of the problem. COP28 takes place in a region closely associated with petroleum and extractive industries. Instead of shunning these industries, there's a powerful opportunity to invite them into the conversation. By acknowledging and applauding their steps toward positive change, we can break down barriers. Encouraging transparency and showcasing their intentions and actions toward the energy transition can be transformative. When they are celebrated for their positive contributions, it fosters an environment where they are more likely to do more. This approach counters defensiveness and encourages collaboration, setting the stage for meaningful change.

Co-Creation and Collective Action: The Way Forward
As we approach COP28, the fundamental question remains: Who else will stand beside us to co-create a regenerative future? The answer lies in every individual, every business leader, every activist, and every innovator who recognizes the urgency of the climate crisis. By fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and celebration of positive steps, we can transform the narrative from one of blame to one of collective responsibility. It’s not just about attending COP events; it’s about actively participating, engaging, and propelling meaningful actions forward.

In the hands of the people, COP28 can be a beacon of change, a testament to the power of collaboration, and a cornerstone for regenerative futures. As I prepare to represent ebbf - ethical business building the future in the blue zone of COP28, I do so with the firm belief that our collective efforts, fueled by hope and alliances, will pave the way for a future where humanity and the environment thrive together. Together, let’s co-create a regenerative legacy that generations to come will celebrate.

Daniel Truran
Strategist, impact innovator, speaker, enabler and business schools professor. More than 20 years leading global and local organizations to implement impact innovation. Director General of the ebbf, co-founder Impact Hub, Madrid. B Corp Ambassador. EOI Impact Innovation Academic Director and Professor.

Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 01.09.2023

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