Third Global Soil Week 2015
Soil. The Substance of Transformation.
- Discussion of the need for an integrated approach to the SDGs. The SDGs run the risk of not being sustainable because their land use and land take demands are incompatible ?
- The development of a proposal for monitoring and accountability in relation to the SDGs
- A focus on the need for an approach to soil and land management based on human rights. At the Global Soil Week, participants will explore how we can put human rights principles into practice for responsible land governance
- The announcement of a large-scale development and research project on soil rehabilitation in five countries (Burkina Faso, Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, and India)
- The open space exhibition "1 hectare”, which will be officially opened by the Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller (tbc) on 22 April at Gleisdreieck.
Further Information:
Global Soil Week 2015 brochure.
Award-winning animated movie "Let’s talk about soil”.
Soil Atlas 2015
Partners of the Global Soil Week
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the International Union of Soil Sciences, the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation, the German Agency for International Development (GIZ), and the German Environmental Agency .
Umwelt | Wasser & Boden, 22.04.2015
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