Honor the Earth
The Swiss "evolutant" Sesto Castagnoli is one of the first supporters of the Fuji Declaration in Europe.
For him the value of the paper is that it invites all to work toward a better world in small steps.
Mr. Castagnoli, in recent years there have been many declarations and papers that advocate for a better world. Now we have the Fuji Declaration. What's the difference?
I see one significant difference in the simplicity of the declaration. Anyone can understand its words; it's everyday language; it awakens understanding. It's like a recognition of the environment and its everyday influences on oneself, one's neighbors, plants and animals, on humanity and the planet Earth in general.
How did the paper come about?
The initiative was brought to life by Masami and Hiroo Saionji, both of whom have advocated for peace in the world for decades. A little more than two years ago they set off to meet Ervin Laszlo – the Co-Founder of the Club of Rome and Founder of the Club of Budapest – in Italy and tell him about their idea. He was immediately interested. His life's work centers around the very same values that the Fuji Declaration represents. The three initiators then set to work and developed together the declaration we have today as well as the accompanying program for the inaugural symposium and a large event at the Fuji Sanctuary.
What's your personal connection to the Fuji Declaration?
Hiroo Saionji personally wrote to me as one of the first signatories. We have been in connection since 2006 when the whole Saionji family and Ervin Laszlo took part in the "World Spirit Forum" in Arosa, which I organized at the time. I was immediately excited and was able to activate my network and other initial signatories. I have also supported the implementation with additional ideas and activities. It is a pleasure for me to be able to work on such an initiative.
What inspired you about the project?
What inspires me is what I see as the first possibility to reach many people, heart to heart, with simple words. Those few words – just five points – reach each individual in their own roots and possibilities. Numerous supporting personalities from all sectors of society ensure that a large target group is activated: science, business, spirituality, culture, politics, civil society, health care, environment...everyone can find a connection.
What goals are the initiators of the Fuji Declaration pursuing with their paper?
The goal is to reach as many people as possible. The paper is an initial incitement to value nature, animals, plants, people and the environment, and to behave accordingly. Each individual is asked to start with themselves, with small steps. This includes their own health, bringing body, mind and spirit in harmony. The Fuji Declaration gently reminds us that by doing this we can reach our main goal: to honor and value our planet Earth. This also includes the dissemination of the basic principles of the Fuji Declaration over well-known networks and organizations. All available media channels are to be used.
How would the world look in 20 years if the spirit of the Fuji Declaration would pervade the Earth?
It would definitely look better than the world we see today. People would eat healthily; they would show compassion toward all beings and nature. Peace would prevail out of the conviction that peaceful existence between all peoples and cultures is only possible in dialog. Every person would have the possibility to develop their own, specific abilities with time, calm and inner serenity. Tolerance and understanding would dominate. Spiritual values would be lived and practiced with joy. Technology and progress would stand in harmony with all beings, people, animals, nature and the environment. Every single person would recognize their very own part in the whole of life and would enjoy being part of that lived progress.
The paper dispenses with concrete, practical suggestions. What incentives to action can and should come from the declaration?
Rethinking one's own actions. Taking responsibility for oneself. Reconsider your consumer habits with regard to the environment and other beings. Ask yourself: What are the results of my energy consumption? To become conscious every day of how my behavior effects the resources of the planet. Be conscious of my footprint and consider how I can change it. Above all, ask myself how I, in my thoughts, can encounter myself and my family, neighbors, fellow humans and all living creatures with love, joy and goodwill. All these and other impulses to action can promote a shift in consciousness.
The paper discusses the "divine spark" in every person which is to be affirmed and developed. What significance does spirituality have in this project?
Every person feels this divine spark in their innermost self. We are born with it and it doesn't simply go away. But, with time various life circumstances can make it necessary to reawaken this divine spark. The words of the declaration are intended to remind us that it is always possible to do this work and thereby find a beautiful path for one's own spirituality. This is totally independent of whatever belief or spiritual directions one follows.
What can individuals do to take up and pass on the impulse of Fuji Declaration?
The best thing is to send the Fuji Declaration to all your acquaintances and personal networks. Further signatories of the declaration are wanted and welcome. Everyone can register directly on the homepage. The homepage is already very expressive and is updated continually. This is where the results from the launch events in Japan and Denmark will be published. You can always get in touch with us. Suggestions and questions about the topic are expressly desired.
Are there ideas about how the thoughts of the Fuji Declaration could take root in businesses?
Yes, there are. Business leaders also took part in the symposium in Japan. I myself have spoken about a concept of this kind in the realm of business conferences with a family entrepreneur from China. This will help these ideas flow into businesses worldwide.
What are the next steps? Is it just the paper or is there more to the story?
All 50 participants at the symposium on May 15, 2015 declared that they will promote the declaration and want to meet again in short order. One could sense an unbelievable agreement to get involved personally and plan the next steps together. So, there's not just more to the story but it's going to expand too.
Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli
sees himself as an evolutant. He consults with companies and individuals, gives workshops and lectures on topics such as spirituality in the world of business, natural real economy and finance or mutual understanding of cultures and religions. He is a co-founder and founding president of the World Spirit Forum and is engaged in many international organizations. http://www.evolutant.com
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