Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
25.1.2020, weltweitWorldwide Protests against 5G
Protests will take place in many countries on Saturday, January 25, 2020. This is the first Global Day of Protest against 5G. It is only the first of more to come until our voices are heard and the irradiation of the Earth is stopped. In the days leading up to January 25, the 5G Space Appeal, with over 3,300 pages of signatures, will be delivered in person to many governments.
This threat to life on Earth is more immediate than climate change. If we want our children to have enough of a future even to fight climate change, our society must stop pretending that radio waves are harmless and that wireless technology is safe. It is not. It must end. If you want to be able to live a full and vibrant life again, without the aid of sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, or antidepressants; to eat whatever you want without the risk of diabetes or heart disease; to see the great nations of birds and bees recover their populations, you must throw away your cell phones.
You cannot hold a cell phone near your body, even for a few minutes, without damaging your nervous system and your cells. You cannot expect to use a cell phone in an emergency without the entire wireless infrastructure of the world being there, including all the towers and satellites. The demand for wireless communication and the revenue from wireless devices is tremendous; it is what is fueling, and paying for, 5G. If we want to stop 5G, but we won't give up our cell phones, it is not going to happen, and we will shortly not have a planet to live on.
Public protests are planned for January 25, 2020 in Durban, South Africa; Canberra and Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Torino, Bologna, Ravenna and other locations in Italy; London, Edinburgh, Isle of Man and other locations in the United Kingdom; Washington, DC, New York City, Hawaii and other locations in the United States; Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and other locations in Canada; and in Belgium, Bermuda, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and other countries. The list is growing daily.
Information about events in your country, including Facebook pages and email contacts, is available on the Stop 5G International website, here: You can also contact for updates.
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