Soul Salon - A Look At Future Trends

10.12.2018, NL-1062 Amsterdam

Amsterdam’s most progressive contemporary fashion trade show

Soul Salon presents more than 100 brands across the segments of authentic designer collections and lifestyle products. Additionally, the trade fair focuses on future trends through presentations, workshops and expositions by relevant speakers and about innovative developments. The place where media, retailers, sustainable brands and labels can meet up to collaborate on ideas, share concepts and inspire one another.
The biannual fashion trade platform Soul Salon is the place where unique, progressive, and original brands represent their collections to professionals within the fashion retail industry. Buyers, press, agencies, retailers, other fashion professionals and of course the participating brands come together at this event, among other things to learn about sustainable fashion, meet up with all the people behind these great initiatives and share thoughts on this topic.

Soul Salon is a B2B trade fair. Tickets are available through the Soul Salon Website

Veranstalter: Soul Salon

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