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OPTA (Organic Processing and Trade Association) in Italien gegründet
Die gegenwärtige, auf Gewinnmaximierung ausgerichtete Landwirtschaft stößt an ihre Grenzen. Das zeigen ihre ökologischen Folgen und die häufigen Bauernproteste, beispielsweise aufgrund zu niedriger Milchpreise. Notwendig ist daher eine europaweite Wertschöpfungskette, die sich inklusive Erzeugern und Zwischenhändlern für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Europa einsetzt. Eine solche Initiative wurde nun in Mailand gegründet. Gründungsmitglieder sind 15 Unternehmen, darunter EOSTA und HiPP.
Lesen Sie hier die vollständige Meldung in englischer Sprache:
The multi-values-included organic food and farming system is able to facilitate the transfer to a sustainable food system. The current food and farming system is showing its limits. What we need is a powerful organic supply chain with active processors and traders working toward an organic sustainable food system in Europe. For that, the "Organic Processing and Trade Association” for Europe was founded in Milano on June 7th 2017.
"The goal of our new founded association is to empower the progress of organic food and farming in Europe in close cooperation with our customers, the organic farmers and other partners of the organic supply chain”, said board member Karst Kooistra (Tradin Organic). The 15 founding companies from several EU countries are convinced that OPTA will stimulate the further innovation and quality development of organic products, based on the organic principles as set up by the organic movement: Ecology, Health, Care and Fairness. "I will work toward an efficient extension of organic food and farming systems to make its sustainable benefits available for everybody”, said Board member Paolo Frigati (The Organic Factory).
"Our aim is to present us as a relevant economical player and a competent organization towards policy-makers and other stakeholders in Brussels”, said Board member Johannes Doms (Hipp). "By that,” Board member Janis Garancs (Aloja Starkelsen) adds, "food quality is central. To ensure and further strengthen the processed based holistic quality approach for food and human nutrition is my mission.”
The targets of the OPTA will be reached by the exchange of opinions and experience among the members of the association, Publications, Positions for the preparation of relevant regulation and norms and Public relations. "The new association will work closely with already established organic lobby organization at national and European level. A close collaboration is intended with IFOAM EU Group,” said the fifth Board member Volkert Engelsman (EOSTA).
OPTA has the ambition to become the leading organization for organic processing and trading in Europe. OPTA invites all companies dedicated to organic trade and processing to join.
Lifestyle | Essen & Trinken, 14.06.2017
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