B for Good Leaders Summit, 11.-12. Mai 2023, Amsterdam
1200 executives of international companies that want to make a positive contribution to the world
B for Good Leaders Summit will take place in the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam on May 11 & 12, 2023. This two-day meeting is attended by approximately 1200 executives of international companies that want to make a positive contribution to the world.
B for Good Leaders (BFGL) is the result of two initiatives:
- the Social Venture Network (SVN), founded in the 1990s as the first international network for sustainable entrepreneurship,
- and the non-profit organization B Lab. B Lab stimulates corporate social responsibility by issuing certificates, the so-called B Corps. These are awarded to companies based on their impact on social sustainability and environmental performance.
The founders of BFGL, SVN and the European branch of B Lab are Marcello Palazzi and Leen Zevenbergen.
They have built a network in which international business leaders place sustainability and social responsibility at the heart of their business operations.
This year's B for Good Leaders Summit focusses on six themes
- B Corp & Beyond
- Corporate Activism
- Food & Beyond
- Leadership
- Regenerative Economy
- Sustainable Finance.
Kontakt: B for Good Leaders BV, 3581 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands | www.bforgoodleaders.org/summit-2023
Wirtschaft | Führung & Personal, 28.04.2023
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