Circular Design Summit 2025

B for Good Leaders Summit concluded with the establishment of a cooperative and Xchange

Beurs van Berlage Amsterdam, 2023, May 11 and 12

The second B for Good Leaders Summit, held on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 May in the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, was concluded with the establishment of a worldwide cooperative. The cooperative aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy and to create the conditions for shared, sustainable prosperity and uses a concrete action program point by point. The program is based on the joint closing statement of the first B for Good Leaders Summit in Rome last year.

© Leandro Bistolfi
As part of the cooperative's creation, the B for Good Xchange is also being launched, a database of at least 100,000 impact companies and their leaders, starting with B Corps, Benefit Corporations and Social Enterprises. The Xchange is an app that uses AI to match supply & demand within a trusted environment. Users of the Xchange share the same values and an intrinsic drive to make this world a better place.

The first B for Good Leaders Summit took place in Rome last year and concluded with a joint closing statement. The second B for Good Leaders Summit was mainly about action: where the seeds were first planted in Rome, Amsterdam led to the harvest and the entering into concrete partnerships.

To enable the evolution towards the circular economy, B For Good Leaders endorse the following principles:
  1. embracing radical interdependence, the fundamental principle governing life on Earth, as the golden rule of decision-making leading to regenerative impact;
  2. take the next generation into account in every business decision;
  3. measure what is important to integrate systemic value creation into the definition of profit;
  4. challenge extractive economic models and champion the common good;
  5. Mobilizing finance as a catalyst to transform the business perspective from short-term thinking to long-term shared value creation.
B for Good Leaders is an initiative of Marcello Palazzi (entrepreneur, business administrator and philanthropist) and Leen Zevenbergen (serial sustainable entrepreneur, writer and walnut farmer). In the mid-nineties they formed the basis of the first international network for sustainable entrepreneurship: Social Venture Network (SVN). In addition, they developed the non-profit organization B Lab Europe. B Lab stimulates corporate social responsibility by issuing certificates, the so-called B Corps, to companies based on their impact on social sustainability and environmental performance. Palazzi and Zevenbergen have built a network in which hundreds of thousands of international business leaders place sustainability and social responsibility at the heart of their business operations.

Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 23.05.2023

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