At COP28 - Celebrating the Future Economy Forum Leadership Awardees from 2022
Regenerative value creation is required to meet agreements on climate change
The following recipients of the Future Economy Forum Leadership awards will be celebrated at COP28.
These awards highlight the outstanding contribution of individuals and organizations towards creating a new economic mainstream that integrates the regeneration of people, societies and nature with business success and economic development.
The concept of Regenerative Value Creation is the new DNA that enterprises and organizations require in order to meet the United Nations and COP agreements on climate change. It is through leaders like the ones we are honouring this year that we can accelerate our race to zero.
- Agriculture
Rythu Sadhikara Samstha, led by Vijay Kumar and 600,000 women farmers of Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming - Banking
Peter Blom, long-time leader of Triodos Bank and founder of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, active in 44 countries - Civil Society
Club of Rome, pioneer in system thinking and action, and its co-president Sandrine Dixson-Declève - Company Owner
Yvon Chouinard who donated his shares for climate action and his company Patagonia, a leader in regeneration-oriented business (awarded with ISPO Munich) - Corporate Board Chair
Michael Otto of Otto Group, a long-time leader of the regeneration-oriented business movement - Corporate CEO
Joao Paulo Ferreira, CEO of Natura and Natura & Co in Latin America that are models for regeneration-oriented business
We intend to add the following categories to reach a more complete representation of the diverse stakeholders whose collaboration is crucial to achieve system change:
- Business education
- Business movement
- Civil Society activism
- Culture
- Economics
- Faiths
- Media
- Policy
- Unions
- Social Entrepreneurs
- Sports
- Vision and Principles
Walter Link
NOW Partners’ founding CEO. Former co-owner of Euro-Asian industrial group. Co-founder & leader of first sustainable business networks across Europe and the Americas. Advisor and coach to senior leaders in business and other sectors. Passionately committed to co-creating a regenerative economy within a regenerative civilization.
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