World Future Policy Award
World Experts on Peace and Future Generations form Jury for the World Future Policy Award 2024
The World Future Council is proud to announce the distinguished members of the jury for the World Future Policy Award 2024. This prestigious award honours exemplary policy solutions that benefit current and future generations, emphasizing global recognitionand the acceleration of policy actions towards a sustainable, just, and peaceful future.
The theme for the 2024 World Future Policy Award, 'Peace and Future Generations', underscores the critical importance of lasting peace as a foundation for sustainable development. The need forinnovative and inclusive policies to resolve conflicts, prevent wars, and cultivate a culture of peace has never been more urgent. The 2024 World Future Policy Award on Peace and Future Generationshighlights such policies to inform and influence policy makers – supported by civil society – to adoptsimilar exemplary approaches worldwide.
Esteemed Jury Members for the World Future Policy Award 2024:
- Maria Fernanda Espinosa (Ecuador): 73rd President of the UN General Assembly. Former Foreign Minister, Defense Minister and Cultural and Natural Heritage Minister of Ecuador.
Former Ambassador of Ecuador to the UN in Geneva.
- Jakob von Uexkull (Sweden/UK): Founder of the World Future Council and the Right Livelihood Award. Co-founder of The Other Economic Summit.
- Nikhil Seth (India): Executive Director of UNITAR, UN Assistant Secretary General, former Director, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA.
- Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli (Switzerland): Head of Global and Emerging Risks and the Founder and Director of the Polymath Initiative at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
- Divina Stella Maloum (Cameroon): Founder, Children for Peace, Youth Board Member, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, International Advisor, Women7 (W7) on gender equity for G7 countries, Winner, International Children’s Peace Prize (2019).
- Neshan Gunasekera (Sri Lanka/Sweden): Visiting Fellow at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Lund, Sweden. Member of the Steering Committee of the Ecological Law and Governance Association. Lead Counsel for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions at the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law.
- Anda Filip (Romania/Switzerland): Director of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Division for Member Parliaments and External Relations. Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations in Geneva.
- Dr. h.c. Hafsat Abiola-Costello (Nigeria): President of the Women in Africa Initiative. Special Envoy to Africa for Women Political Leaders.
- Alyn Ware (New Zealand/Czech Republic): Global Coordinator for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. Director of the Basel Peace Office. Program Director at the World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy.
The World Future Council's expertise in future-just policymaking is reflected on the jury through ourCouncillors: Hafsat Abiola-Costello, Maria Fernanda Espinosa, Anda Filip, Neshan Gunasekera andAlyn Ware.
The award ceremony will take place on November 27, 2024, at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva. This event will celebrate the winning policies and honour their contribution to peace andsustainability for future generations.
The 2024 World Future Policy Award 2024 on Peace and Future Generations is organised inpartnership with the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Geneva Center for Security Policy and the Basel Peace Office, with support from Frank Otto.
About the World Future Council
The World Future Council envisions a healthy planet with just and peaceful societies, both nowand in the future. We are dedicated to identifying, developing, and promoting future-justsolutions to the most pressing challenges humanity faces today. Founded in 2007 by Jakob vonUexkull, creator of the Alternative Nobel Prize, the Council is composed of 50 eminent globalchangemakers from civil society, science, politics, and business, who convene annually at theWorld Future Forum. The World Future Policy Award is a testament to our commitment,recognizing and rewarding policies that positively impact current and future generations.
Kontakt: World Future Council, Julius Brede | |
Quelle: World Future Council. Stimme zukünftiger Generationen
Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 25.09.2024
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