A Center of Ratings Excellence (CORE)

Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings

Program Overview
In 2014, sustainability-oriented assets under management eclipsed $20 trillion worldwide. These investments are shaped by sustainability research and ratings from more than 150 rating systems covering more than 50,000 companies on approximately 10,000 performance metrics.Given the rapid growth in sustainable investing, the sustainability ratings market is reaching an inflection point.
© Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings
GISR’s mission is to accelerate the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into the global financial markets by establishing standards of excellence in corporate ESG ratings and research. We work with the industry’s primary players, including investors, companies, and ESG research and ratings organizations, to improve worldwide access to high-quality sustainability ratings.
GISR’s Center of Ratings Excellence (CORE) program represents our four-part strategy for advancing transparency and excellence in corporate ESG ratings and research.
A Platform For Action
CORE is a platform for action for a variety of ESG stakeholders. For investors looking to build a responsible portfolio, it offers comparative tools to select the very best ESG ratings products and intelligence. For companies, CORE helps to plan for and assess ratings systems and offers a new approach to engagement on critical ESG issues.
CORE consists of four components:
  • Framework: The foundation of our work on ESG ratings and research. It encompasses the GISR Principles and the Accreditation program for high-quality ESG ratings.
  • Hub: A searchable online database of ESG products and information. There are more than 100 ESG ratings products on the market covering 50,000 companies on more than 500 issues and more than 10,000 ESG indicators. The Hub helps ratings users and rated companies evaluate ESG agencies and products on common criteria, facilitating a better understanding of the market at large.
  • Labs: The R&D component of CORE, where GISR stakeholders can explore new frontiers of ESG ratings. Labs will create new knowledge to enhance the theory and practice of ratings.
  • Convenings: The essential fourth component of the CORE program. Every year, GISR provides multiple opportunities to meet and collaborate with innovative voices in the ESG ratings industry, both in person and online.

CORE Ratings Hub
For the first time ever, GISR will provide a comprehensive database of sustainability ratings and research products through the CORE Ratings Hub. This searchable online resource will enable investors and companies to compare among products and make informed decisions on the ratings and research best suited to their needs, and it is created in collaboration with ESG ratings organizations.

The vast majority of the information in the Hub will be freely available on GISR’s website. CORE Stakeholders will be able to access additional features and analytics, including side-by-side comparisons and customized reporting.

Key Stakeholders
The CORE program was developed in collaboration with leaders in the ESG ratings field. Key stakeholders include:

For more information about GISR’s CORE Program, please visit ratesustainability.org/CORE.

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