European Green India Summit 2016
Invitation: 18. May 2016, University of Liechtenstein
Language: English; Registration fee: CHF 30 upon arrival; Registration and program:
Concept and Chair: Professor Peter Droege
The European Green India Summit (EUGIS’16) will take place for the first time on 18 May 2016. This joint initiative by the Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development and Panitek AG will form the second day of the "Namaste India-Second India Week in Liechtenstein” organised by India Club in Liechtenstein, and launced by Minister Aurelia Frick and the Indian Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Smit Purushottam.
EUGIS, the European Green India Summit, is dedicated to the exchange and trade of ideas and services between India and Europe. This year it is focused on Smart Cities: Green Infrastructure and Regenerative Urban Development.
This high-level event series and institution of exchange, investment and trade presents relevant and up-to-date dimensions of four key areas of trade and exchange: policy, finance, technology, and urban development. It is focused at the interaction of India with Europe and its major trading partners and aims at fostering closer interactions between the continents.
Kirsten Steinhofer,
Universität Liechtenstein
Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung
+423 265 11 11, Direct +423 265 11 38
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Gesellschaft | Green Cities, 04.04.2016

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